Enrollment in your intended major

Transfer student enrollment criteria

Once it is determined that you are eligible for admission to the university, your academic record is reviewed for enrollment to your major program. Some colleges and schools have requirements that are more rigorous than university admission criteria in terms of GPA, earned hours, prerequisite course work and/or a required audition or portfolio.

    • If you are admitted to the university but not yet eligible for direct enrollment in a major, you will begin your studies at Ohio State in a pre-major program in your intended college or in University Exploration. Your academic advisor will assist you in meeting your general education requirements and advise you on completing appropriate prerequisites for your intended major. Enrollment in either program does not guarantee admission to your intended major program.

    • If you are interested in a degree in dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy or veterinary medicine, you will have the opportunity to indicate your interest in a pre-professional program on your admission application. All criteria and standards are subject to change.

    • A minimum grade of “C-” (or the equivalent) is required to transfer prerequisite courses mentioned on this page.

    Criteria by college and school

    Architecture, Knowlton School


    Admitted transfer students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) who are interested in architecture or landscape architecture enroll as pre-majors. Students with advanced studies in architecture or landscape architecture at another four-year institution prior to transfer may be eligible for direct admission to the major based on a portfolio review.

    Admitted transfer students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) who are interested in city and regional planning enroll as majors. Students not directly enrolled in AHR enroll in University Exploration.

    Arts and Sciences, College of


    Transfer students directly enroll in ASC unless noted below.

    Arts: Those interested in art education, design or moving-image production enroll as pre-majors. Those interested in dance or music enroll as pre-majors following successful audition. Those interested in history of art or theatre meet with advisors to establish their majors.

    Humanities: Transfer students directly enroll in ASC.

    Natural and mathematical sciences: Those interested in actuarial science, computer and information science, or data analytics enroll as pre-majors.

    Social and behavioral sciences: Those interested in communication, international studies, journalism or neuroscience enroll as pre-majors.

    Business, Fisher College of


    Please visit fisher.osu.edu/undergraduate/admissions.

    Dental Hygiene, Division of


    Direct admission to the DHY major requires a separate application. Transfer students with fewer than 30 transferable semester hours (or the equivalent) directly enroll in DHY as pre-majors. Transfer students with more than 30 transferable semester hours (or the equivalent) are considered for direct enrollment as a pre-major on an individual basis. Students not directly enrolled in DHY enroll in the Health and Human Services Exploration program. Note: If you have already completed program prerequisites, you may be eligible to apply directly to this program. Learn more about applying as an undergraduate professional student.

    Education and Human Ecology, College of


    Admitted students are directly enrolled in the major, except for those in exercise science education, human nutrition and sport industry, who enroll as pre-majors.

    Engineering, College of


    Transfer students with at least 30 transferable semester hours (or the equivalent), including credit for at least one calculus course, and a GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) enroll as pre-majors. Transfer students with fewer than 30 semester hours (or the equivalent) are considered using the criteria for first-year students. If you have more than 30 semester credit hours but do not meet the 3.0 GPA requirement OR have credit for Math 1151 or equivalent, you will be enrolled in Science, Technology and the Environment Exploration.

    Environment and Natural Resources, School of


    Transfer students directly enroll in ENR.

    Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, College of


    Admitted students are enrolled directly in the major, except for those in culinary science and professional golf management, who are enrolled as pre-majors (admission to these majors is competitive).

    Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, School of


    Transfer students with at least a 2.5 GPA enroll in HRS as pre-majors. Students not directly enrolled in HRS enroll in the Health and Human Services Exploration program. Note: If you have already completed program prerequisites, you may be eligible to apply directly to an HRS program. Learn more about applying as an undergraduate professional student.

    Nursing, College of


    Enrollment in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing major (the traditional BSN program) requires a separate application. Transfer students with at least 30 transferable semester hours (or the equivalent) and a 3.2 GPA are enrolled in the pre-nursing major. Transfer students with fewer than 30 semester hours (or the equivalent) are considered using the criteria for first-year students. Students not directly enrolled into pre-nursing enroll in the Health and Human Services Exploration program.

    Students with at least a 2.0 GPA and an associate degree in nursing from an accredited program are eligible to apply directly to the RN to BSN program. Learn more about applying as an undergraduate professional student.

    Pharmacy, College of


    Admitted transfer students with at least a 2.5 GPA enroll as majors. Students not directly enrolled in PHR enroll in the Health and Human Services Exploration program.

    Public Affairs, John Glenn College of


    Transfer students directly enroll in JGS.

    Public Health, College of


    Transfer students with at least 30 transferable semester hours (or the equivalent) and at least a 2.5 GPA on all previous course work enroll as pre-majors. Students not directly enrolled in PBH enroll in the Health and Human Services Exploration program. Note: If you have already completed program prerequisites, you may be eligible to apply directly to this program. Learn more about applying as an undergraduate professional student.

    Social Work, College of


    Transfer students directly enroll into the College of Social Work as pre-majors in SWK. Students can declare the major after completing the pre-major courses and maintaining a minimum 2.0 GPA. Learn more about declaring a social work major.

    University Exploration


    Students enrolled in University Exploration start in one of the following University Exploration fields of study:

    • Arts, Innovation and Creativity

    • Behavior, Culture and Context

    • Education and Public Service

    • Health and Human Services

    • Management and Industry

    • Science, Technology and Environment

    • Undecided/Exploring