Our commitment

At Ohio State, we're committed to keeping a world-class education accessible

With opportunities around every corner to jumpstart your career and bolster your resume, Ohio State provides an exceptional return on your investment. But we don't stop there. See how we're working to keep costs down.

Around 80% of Ohio State's first-year students receive financial aid

Ohio State awards millions of dollars annually in need- and merit-based financial aid. Plus, students use our scholarship matching tool, ScholarshipUniverse, to find more scholarship dollars.

About half of Ohio State undergraduates earn their degree debt-free!

One thing you can do to help make college more affordable? Apply for financial aid.

Students with demonstrated financial need can be eligible for a wide range of additional aid options, including: 

  • President’s Affordability Grant — Provides up to $2,250 to more than 16,000 middle- and lower-income in-state undergraduate students on all campuses.
  • Buckeye Opportunity Program — Covers tuition and mandatory fees for Ohio residents on all campuses who are Pell-eligible and show significant need. (90% of Pell recipients have an annual household income of $50,000 or less.)
  • Land Grant Opportunity Scholarship Covers the whole cost of attendance for 176 students each year, with an effort to award two students from each Ohio county.

Whatever your path, every degree is an Ohio State degree

Not everyone follows a traditional path through Ohio State.

  • Ohio residents can begin at our regional campuses.
  • Students can transfer from other colleges.
  • Military veterans are welcome to begin or continue their academic careers here. 
  • All students — especially those with busy schedules or home lives — can take advantage of our online courses and degree paths.

Your path may be different, but know that no matter which campus you graduate from, your diploma will read The Ohio State University, and you will be part of a supportive network of alumni for life.

Ohio State Tuition Guarantee

The Ohio State Tuition Guarantee keeps in-state tuition, mandatory fees, and housing and dining rates flat for four years for each incoming class of new first-year undergraduates on all campuses.

Discounted summer tuition

Undergraduate students can enjoy discounted summer tuition. And taking summer courses can shorten the time to degree — further reducing your overall cost.

Other cost savings

Ohio State provides additional ways for students to reduce costs. Each year, Ohio State helps students save up to $1.9 million by:

  • eliminating hundreds of course fees
  • deep discounts on digital textbooks
  • waiving costs when students take additional credit hours to complete their degrees (so you can take an extra class in a given term and get to your required hours for less money)
  • extending in-state tuition to more military families