Answers to 10 most-asked questions
Admitted students want to know:
1. Can I change my major?
That's one of the advantages of attending Ohio State: Over 200+ majors to choose from. If you're rethinking the major you applied to, reach out now to talk with us. We'll review a couple of things, including if the new major has additional requirements. You want to get it changed before scheduling for orientation because the orientation program you're invited to is based on major. However, if you discover you want to change your major at orientation or later, or you want to do more exploration, don't worry — we can accommodate you.
2. How should I prepare for orientation, and will it be online or in person?
The orientation program for freshmen starting on the Columbus campus in autumn will be in person. Orientation will be online for all others. You are required to attend (we hope your family will join in, too), and we hope you'll find it fun, supportive and highly informative. Here's how to prepare.
3. When should I expect my housing contract?
We email housing materials to students' BuckeyeMail accounts in the order acceptance fees are paid. This process begins in mid-March. Here's how to activate your Ohio State username (if you haven't already) and check BuckeyeMail.
4. I have questions about my financial aid offer or scholarships. Who can I reach out to?
For questions about your financial aid offer, look to two great resources: Accepting Aid and our helpful Buckeye Link staff (contact them at or 614-292-0300).
5. How do I know which dining plan to select?
We offer lots of options to suit lots of preferences, but it can make deciding more difficult. To make the best decision for you, follow the steps outlined by University Dining.
6. How do I learn about on-campus jobs?
Want to earn some extra cash while in school (and make friends and get some experience, too)? Search the
job board.
7. Am I allowed to have a car on campus?
First-year students living in a residence hall are not permitted to purchase a parking permit or bring a vehicle to campus. Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances; talk to staff during orientation.
8. Where do I send my AP or IB scores? If I completed college courses in high school, can I get credit?
If you completed AP or IB exams or earned credit through a dual enrollment program like CCP, you may be eligible to receive transfer credit at Ohio State. Get
details, including the credit you may be eligible for.
9. If I’m in Honors or Scholars, can I live in a living-learning community?
Good news: If you're in one of these programs, you're already in a residential community! Honors students live in one of three Honors designated residence halls or another university-approved living-learning community, and Scholars students live with their designated Scholars community.
10. When can I order football tickets?
Ticket information will be emailed to your BuckeyeMail account from the Athletics Ticket Office in mid May. The ordering period opens in mid to late May, and ticket availability is limited. Learn more.

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